Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

~2009 ends with all d happiness~

~31st Dec 2009, Thursday~

Despite all the mess towards the year ends..
banyak juga kemanisan disebaliknya...
Alhamdulillah sepanjang 2009 kami lalui dgn penuh kenangan indah..

~ may 30 - babe 3rd bday celebration in Regency Resort, PD ~ june - our 6th yr wedding anniversary - daddy bought for mummy new SLK ~ july - mummy pregnant!!! ~ august - confirmed mummy carry a twin baby ~ sept - confirmed our twin 1 boy & 1 girl ~ oct 15 - mummy 29th bday - Rolex's watch from daddy! ~ nov 15 - daddy's tunaikan hajat..snt PIL to Mekkah ~ nov 22 - maid on leave for 2 weeks but at d end she turn up!!! - ths d biggest mess! ~ nov - daddy change SLK to GTR ~ dec - new maid coming in
~ dec 25 - its Daddy's 29th bday..mummy bought for daddy new belt fm LV:) ~ dec 26 - PIL selamat kembali dr menyempurnakan haji

we end up our 2009 with all the "syukur" kepadaNYA..

Monday, December 21, 2009

~long agenda~

~21st Dec 2009@monday~

its too long mummy hv no chance to update ths blog...
terlalu banyak agenda yg terjadi menyebabkan mummy tak berkesempatan
even nk jengah blog ni..
yang pasti punca utama..maid balik cuti & tak kembali!!!
lps ni mummy kena lebih berhati2 handle ths so call maid!mummy pun
malas nak ungkit semua..cuma mummy berdoa..maid yg ada sekarang yang
babe call "cik mis/bibik" akan lbh bertanggungjwb, setia & ikhlas...
since 22 nov til now mummy da tak g office..my pretty time with babe before
d twin deliver:)

my pregnancy going to turn 29weeks..till now, my weight gain 5.2kg total up
58.2kg...& d gyne told me twin pregnancy will
end up to labor by 36-37weeks..mummy ada ms abt 8weeks utk prepare segala yg patut..
so far..preparation twin almost complete..mummy pun da start order my confinement
things and booking tukang urut..othrs then that semuanya alhamdulillah berjalan

~all those pictures was snap during our long agenda~
no more SLK..
and now replace wt new GTR

~umbai-lendu @ sea food~

~YES wt Ellysha~

~again for our twin~

~YES again~

~A nite in A'famosa Resort~

~lovely dinner@VS~

~babe, mummy & daddy effected wt eyes infection~