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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

~a weekend before Hari Raya~

~12th Sept 2009, saturday~

We all left the house about 9.00am.
Where we go??
Since early Ramadhan mummy da plan nak ziarah
kubur aruah mak&abah kat kampung..
So..this is the time..
Sampai tanah perkuburan around 11.00am..
akak pun da ada..tp entah kenapa hati mummy begitu sayu
tatkala bacaan Yassin & Tahlil dibaca bersama...
airmata mummy mcm tak boleh berhenti..
tapi mummy redha dgn kepergian mereka!
mummy terlalu rindukan saat2 mereka ada!
Ya Allah..Kau tempatkan aruah ibu&ayah ku didalam
golongan orang2 yang soleh dan solehah..
Habis ziarah..kami semua ke rumah kakYam!
then we all heading to busu's house!
antara tujuan mummy balik kg utk kesana juga..
we all tak dapat nak buka puasa with akak & ana!
daddy have to rush coz after buka he having an appointment..
sempat juga la busu bekalkan mummy masak lemak cili api ikan tenggiri
and sambal sotong!
at the end daddy bring us to buka puasa at Sri Ratu Restaurant at Jln Sultan Ismail..
its one of mummy favourite Indonesian food Rest!
we arrived home at 8.15pm:)

13th september 2009, sunday
~shopping time~

2.30pm we all left the house..
this is d last sunday before we celebrate Hari Raya..
our favourate mall..

maternity pent from modernMom for mummy:)

again from DP for mummy:) tq ya sayang!

Daddy's Hari Raya new shoe from Paul Smith:)

for our beloved daughter...
a new bracelet from Habib!
excited betul babe kali ni..
mmg dia yg request nak beli bracelet...
so sampai je Habib tak sabar2 dia nak bracelet tu dipakaikan!
sementara menunggu.. siap nyanyi2 lagu raya lagi:)

we dont have much chooice!
its just a Nike shoe for babe Hari Raya..
and the accessories fm Teddy Tales!

we had a lovely Buka Puasa at Chillis!
dan yang paling bestnya kami tak perlu beratur panjang
utk dapatkan tempat;)
you had a smart way Dad!

we all arrived home around 10.00pm..
mummy break the record
because can spend more then 5hrs shopping since pregnant! may be the Raya mood is comingggg:)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~meniti hari~

~i'am back!!!~

Its such a long time mummy tak berkesempatan update blog ni..
btw, last two friday@28th aug first day mummy when to the office after more
then a month resting at home:)
a week after mummy came alternate day & try to spend more
time from week to week..
there's a gud news!
mummy da boleh start bring babe to shopping!
i just can spend about 2-3 hrs:(
anyway its still great then nothing:)
what we had since mummy feel better!!!
at first mummy mcm berat hati gak nk keluar shopping..
bila fikirkan persiapan raya untuk babe belum ada...
mummy redah la jugak..
but babe awal2 da ingatkan mummy..
"mieee..go shopping must ware mask ok!outside got virusss!"
bijak anak mummy:)
and inilah photo pertama mummy sejak preggy!

t-shirt osh-kosh ni utk present belated bday akhil !

when we when to Ikea, mummy grab all these!
termasuk juga new sofa in our bedroom & almari baju utk angah:)

keluar je rumah babe da pesan..
"mieee..later babe want to buy hari raya cd ok":)
memang this yr ank mummy excited nk beraya..

for mummy!
but all d shirt kat DP tak sempat nk snap:)

ni fm KLCC!
ms tu babe tertidur dlm stroller..
tp sebelum tidur dia sempat ingatkan mummy..
"later babe want to buy the drawing board..babe one break already"
hehheeee..pandai betul ank mummy memberi alasan kukuh!
so seperti biasa daddy sure akan tunaikan permintaan puteri ni..:)

heheheeee..ank dara mummy da pandai nak melaram!
ms ni nk g belikan kakak tiqa & fiqa raya shoe kat KLCC:)
ibu yang drive & bw ktorg..

daddy's time!

thanks ya dad!
for mummy's iPhone new casing ..
mummy meternity jeans:)
its some of babe raya shirt & pent fm Gap!

inilah suppliment mummy preggy kali ni..
ermmm..yg lain mummy msh tak start..
so far mummy feel better with this supp help!